AIFactoryLab @ SKKU

AIFactoryLab at Sungkyunkwan University (AIFactoryLab@SKKU) conducts research in smart factory and smart manufacturing based on artificial intelligence, manufacturing big-data, cloud/edge computing, industrial IoT, and industrial automation, and so on.

We are looking for highly motivated undergraduate, M.S., and Ph. D. students who want to enjoy the cutting-edge research. Please contact Jongpil Jeong if you are interested in research in smart factory, smart manufacturing, or other related areas. 

Lab Location

 경기도 수원시 장안구 서부로 2066, 성균관대학교 자연과학캠퍼스 제2공학관 27519A-3호, 전화 031-299-4268

Sungkyunkwan University, Natural Sciences Campus

#27519B (The 2nd Engineering Building)

2066 Seobu-ro Jangan-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do 16419 Korea

Tel: +82-31-299-4268, E-mail: